After an intense drawing we have a winner and it is......
My sweet friend Liz. Her blog is amazing! She can make any picture of anything look absolutely stunning! She is such a wonderful blogging friend! I encourage all of you to go check her out here! I promise she will be on your favorite blog places to go after your first visit!
Congrats Liz!
So now that we have a winner it is back to blogging for me! There is so much I want to tell you girls about!!
Where was I when this was going on and how did it slip past my radar? I already have Mabel's House on my blog roll. I don't know her, but I love the way she writes. Her take on life is fresh. She and the Domestic Fringe are a daily fix for me!
Thank you SO much! I'm so excited! I'll email you this afternoon, thank you again!
Lily sue from Apeace of Bliss, sent me.Ive take a stroll through your blog and have enjoyed some very thought provoking post,intresting topics of disscution you have.
Have a Blessed day
ps congrats to the winner of your give away.
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