She is amazing. She has been in our youth since she was 12 she is going to graduate here in just a few weeks. She has been praying for 2 things for the last year
1. That all of her college tuition would be paid for.
2. That she would get a paid for car by graduation.
She just recently found out that she would never have to pay college tuition to Oral Roberts University that all $75,000 was paid for!! We were so excited.
So I was worshiping the Lord the other day and was praying for Bonnie. I was thanking God that whoever was supposed to get her a car would be obedient and listen to the Lord.
I heard the Lord speak to me....
"You are supposed to get her the car."
I was shocked.....ME???
I said "Sure God, but you have to talk to my husband."
So Sunday afternoon after church we were all sitting around the kitchen table just talking. I made a comment about how proud I am of Bonnie. Bryan then asks "What is she going to do about not having a car when she goes to school?"
I told him "I don't know, but she is believing God for one."
He stops what he was doing looks at me and says "Let's buy her a car Crystal." I knew it was the Lord. He then tells me that the Lord told him just a few days before to buy Bonnie a car.
So tonight at youth group we gave Bonnie her first car. The look on her face as Bryan and I stood by each other and told her will forever be in my mind. I am so thankful that I got to be a vessel of God's blessings. I will never forget that moment.
The word says in Psalms that everything in the world is the Lords. Bryan and I take that literally. We see our check books not with our names on the top, but Jesus' name. You see when you start seeing everything you have as God's that he is the owner and you are just managing it for him then that is when amazing miracles start breaking forth in your life.
Think about it. If your checkbook is Jesus' then it can't ever be in the red. You can't be a blessing to people if you can't even pay your bills. Jesus wouldn't operate that way. Nor should we.
Just a few weeks ago my husband came to me and told me that the Lord had told him to give a guy in our church $50.00. He also told me that the Lord told him that if he gave that $50 that the Lord would bring it back to us 100 fold. 4 days later we got a call that we just got a unexpected $7,000 a year raise!!! Praise God! You see when you are that vessel of blessing to other people then blessings can't help, but flow back in!
Why am I telling you this? I am telling you to give. Give when the Holy Spirit prompts your heart, and see what God does. I promise He will never leave you disappointed. Let God blow your mind! He does mine everyday. You will find that giving truly is better than receiving!
That is so awesome. I want to be a blessing like that.
That is so incredible Crystal!! I am so proud of you and Bryan!!
Love Mom
Im crying again as I read this. Last night was so amazing, That is what its all about! God is sooo good! Your right that face she had will forever be in my heart. How amazing, I feel so honored to be there and watch it happen. Amazing! Love you best friend!
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