Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am writing to tell you all how amazing God is in our youth group. God gave me a vision about three weeks ago of a girl about to commit suicide. God told me "I am about to send you the hurting and the lost you are going to minister to them, and they will be restored." Well we are starting to see that come into our weekly meetings.

I am so excited!!

God showed up tonight and touched the hearts of our youth. God's word and His presence are so real. Our young people yern for a real God and a real church that moves in power. I am so thankful that we are having that kind of church at our weekly meetings.

Even though we have fun games, do silly things, with crazy lots of food, and loud music at the end of the night it is all about if we changed somebody's life. I feel like that answer is hands down yes.

We are seeing visitors like never before! God is so good! We are finally seeing the harvest of young people that we have been praying for, for the last 4 years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God. He is always good! I'm excited for you and all that is going on!