April preached an amazing message and at the end she had all of the young teenage ladies come to the front for us women to see what we are needing to leave a legacy to. It was so powerful. I was weeping uncontrollably. I have such a soft place in my heart for this upcoming generation.
I have been preaching in the schools for the last 5 weeks. In that time I have seen about 15 plus salvations and tons of girls get delivered from depression, anger issues and self esteem problems. I have always known that this generation was desperate for help. After the last 5 weeks those girls so put a place in my heart. I had the amazing privilege of preaching to around 45 girls in those weeks. All of which God touched in a special way. The thing that grieves me is that there are still girls walking those halls that hate their life and hate who they are.
This generation is so hurting. More than ever they need us as women to rise up and be their spiritual mothers. Most of them have never had someone in their life that truly cares. My heart just aches for these teens today. I know that the Lord has called my husband and I to parent this generation spiritually.
I just want to challenge you ladies that read this blog......a challenge for you to leave a legacy. Reach out to a young person in your life. Make a difference in them. Be the best living example of Jesus that you can be.
Mrs. April Simons always says "Your life is telling a story make it one worth reading!"
Pour into them. Let them talk to you and you listen to their heart. Don't judge them of how they fix their hair what tattoos they have and how they dress. See the heart that is beneath all of that.....The heart that Jesus loves so much.....
You will see kids that are misunderstood
Kids that just want someone to care
Kids that go home and cut themselves because it takes away the pain
Girls that sleep with boys to try and fill a void in their heart
Kids that are being raised up in a fatherless generation
Kids that constantly have media images reminding them that they aren't good enough!
If all of us women would rise up and just take one or two young people and begin to pour into them we would change this generation in a short time. The most rewarding thing in life is knowing that you have changed some one's life. I have heard it said once the best thing we can do is to live a life that shows the love a Christ and then reproduce that in someone else. That is so powerful!
I guess I am blogging about this today because this is the first week for me not to go to the school and preach. Part of my heart is broken today with out my girls. I find myself weeping as I type this because I see their faces in my mind, and I wonder if they are ok.....I wonder how things are at their homes this week, if that father hurt them this week, if that mom yelled at her again, if that boy took advantage of her again. All I can do is pray for them and believe that the Holy Spirit is there comforting them through whatever they might be facing this week.
Praying for you and especially for those girls.
Wow so this morning I got up, put on a cute dress with some really cute zebra shoes :) and hit the door. The last couple of days I have just been feeling...blah....not cute enought, pretty etc. SO this morning I decided to rock my world. I passed all the girls in the hallways, each one of them looking at me, smiling..and then suddenly I rememberd this blog. ALl of sudden my heart just hurt for each one of them. They all have a different story, some to which I know, and it just made me realize again the power that we carry with us. Jesus has placed me in the school without a doubt, and through him I can be that light. So today Im going to tell as many girls as I can they are beautiful and that someone loves them! Thanks for sharing this =) it help encourage me this very morning!!!
Another great one Crystal....Get ready...I got you linked in!
Crystal, thanks for that powerful reminder. We are leaving a legacy! I started a blog today because of you and Patti, so I hope you'll check it out. I have no clue how to link with you, but I'll figure it out eventually. Suzy will be so happy...she's been after me to blog for a while. Let me know what's been up with you...you've been on my heart. Jennifer M.
So true my friend! We are leaving a legacy for the generations to come and all I know is I want my story to be worth reading! I am so pumped to see what great things God has instore for our youth and am so ready to start impacting the generations to come! Whoop whoop for Jesus!
Love you friend great blog!
Hey Crystal,
I was at that Chik nite too. I attend High Point and am in MOPS. That was a powerfull message. And I really want that Joseph Prince book:)
Leslie C.
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