Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Steps in New places

I remember the night Bryan and I went out on our first date...We were sitting in his old white Ford pickup truck (sounds like something out of a country song huh?). We began to talk about where we were heading in life and what were our goals. Bryan at that time told me that all he ever wanted was to be in full time ministry. Months later after we got to know each other more and more I realized that this wasn't just a dream of his, but a passion.

Time went on and bills came. We decided that while waiting for that dream to happen he needed a different career then at the lumber yard. So he went to fire school just a few short months after we got married. Then there were the multiple applications to get on at a fire department. Lots of time passes and we still aren't able to be full time at the church. Inside him though the dream was very much alive.

As far as I can remember all I have known is shift work, fire uniforms, smells of smoke after a long night, Bryan missing Christmas, birthdays etc. This has been my life for I don't know how long.

Our church has grown so much in these last few years. We knew that he would go full time at the church soon....Bryan came to me and told me by October 1st he would leave the fire department. Not long after Pastor came to us just a few months ago and said it is time!

WOW! Here we were on the verge of everything we had prayed for the last 9 years. So many emotions came upon me as Bryan worked his last shift last Thursday. Happiness, joy, sadness, and a little fear of the unknown. I felt like we were taking one huge leap off of a cliff not knowing what was below, but knowing that God was going to take care of us.

Sunday morning at church it was a normal service. Our anniversary was last Tuesday. I love love love love the song "Then" by Brad Paisley after Bryan showed it to me a few months ago. In fact it is the ringer on my cell phone when he calls :)

Right there before everyone he begins singing this song to me. You want to talk about cry! I was in a heap! How faithful God is! So many people go through life never finding happiness and here I am with joy over flowing in mine! Not only have I seen God's faith fullness in every area of our life, but I also have an amazing husband that after all these years is still head over heels for me!

How blessed I am! How thankful I am to be going on this wonderful journey of life with the most amazing guy in the world! I love him more today than ever!

Why am I blogging this? To brag on me? NO! To inspire you! God is no respecter of persons what He has done for me He can do for you too!! Just get a purpose and a dream in your heart and go for it! Don't worry about the details God will take care of those a long the way!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All of the networking things these days!

I remember when I first started doing this whole "technology scene" with networking and such. At that time if you had a myspace you were really on the front edge of things. Then if you blogged and did myspace man you were like cutting edge. Then I started doing both and have met some of the most wonderful people. Well then "they" said that myspace is now the dinosaur in the technology world and anyone who is anyone does facebook now. So I got a facebook. So then I found out that tweeting is where it is at and facebook is good too. So I was trying to tweet, facebook, myspace, and blog. Shew! You have to have a full time job just to keep up with all of that! Can I get an amen?

So now I hear that tweeting is where it is at and that people aren't really big on blogs anymore! What is a girl to do???

To blog or not to blog? That is the question I had in my mind. So last Sunday I am thinking of all this technology madness and am thinking what in the world is a girl supposed to do and how do you know if it is effective or not!? After alll I don't just want to be waisting time on things that aren't producing fruit!

Well then a lady back in the visitor center at our church meets me. She then goes on how she came that Sunday because she had read my blog and that is what touched her life. WOW so someone is out there??? There are people that really do write what I type (ramble) about??

Sometimes you know that is how life is we get to running trying to make sure we are being effective and relevant. We spend sometimes so much time trying to keep up with everything and we don't even know if we are effecting anyone with what we are doing. At the very moment we feel like what we are doing isn't making a difference someone comes forward and says I am one life that was touched by all that you have done.

This doesn't just go for blogging, facebook, or myspace. Sometimes we in our everyday life think that we are just going to a job and doing our time and that we aren't really effecting anyone. Then out of the blue someone comes and tells you how you changed their life.

I think that is the moment that all of us live for. Deep down we all want to know that we had a positive influence on someone somewhere along the way.

So I said all that to say I am going to try and do better on blogging more often! I did say try though so no promises made!

Follow me on TWITTER!!! crystalsparks I would love it if you did because I do try and do that almost daily!! Love you chiks!!