This morning there were a lot of things weighing on my mind. It felt as though my mind was so cluttered with so many different things pulling for my time, efforts and attention. I woke up before the alarm even went off just thinking about everything.
As I made a pot of coffee wiped the sleep out of my eyes and pulled up my calendar for the next to see what all was on the agenda the next few days this overwhelming feeling of inadequacy came over me. How am I going to be able to do all that I need to do the next few weeks....
I finally got my mind quieted to spend time with Jesus.......
Finally my mind was silent and it was just me and Jesus.....I love moments like these.....
All of a sudden all of that weight from all of the things that were wanting my attention so badly moments before were just an after thought. As I spent this quiet time with nothing going on all of a sudden I got the solutions for everything I needed one by one.
You know the thing we forget so easily is that Jesus really is everything we need. In Colossians it says that ALL the treasures of the Earth lie hidden in Christ. I believe they stay there hidden because we don't seek Christ to ever find the treasures. We go through life trying to obtain our own answers and solutions to problems that we were never made to solve.
Jesus is the perfect parent, spouse, employee, boss, business owner (He is running a pretty big world ya know?), author (His book is a best seller!), counselor, listener, friend and helper. He is literally everything we need. For some reason it is the simple things that we forget in life.
Things have gotten so busy and the first thing I wanted to do was to begin to carry loads I was never made to carry and that is why I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. After an hour with Jesus....there was nothing different in my schedule, the deadlines were still there, e-mails still piled up, calls waiting to be returned, and yet I came out a hundred times lighter then when I went in.
Isn't it comforting that the solutions to all our problems is that which is inside us and all around us everyday....We just have to be quiet enough and still enough to receive the answer.